🗺️ Exploration
🛞 SMB core software
Launch the core software on the robot:
# In the terminal of SMB
roslaunch smb smb.launch
🧭 Lower Level Planner
Launch the slam:
# In a new terminal on SMB
roslaunch smb_msf_graph smb_msf_graph.launch
Launch the local planner and path follower:
# In a new terminal on SMB
roslaunch smb_navigation navigate2d_cmu.launch use_msf:=true global_frame:=world_graph_msf state_estimation_topic:=/transformed_odom launch_far_planner:=false
At this stage you should be able to set the local way points for SMB to follow as described in Navigation section.
🗺️ Exploration with TARE Planner
Launch TARE Planner for exploration:
# In a new terminal on SMB
roslaunch smb_exploration smb_rss_tare.launch rviz:=false