🤖 The SuperMegaBot

Welcome to the documentation of the SuperMegaBot (SMB) for the ETHZ Robotics Summer School.

Image of SMB

Table of contents

  1. 📘 Introduction
  2. 📥 Install the SMB Software locally
  3. 📚 Documentation Structure
  4. 🖥️ SMB Simulation
  5. 🤖 SMB Physical Robot
  6. 🐞 Issue Tracking
  7. 📜 History
    1. 📅 RSS 2019 Edition

📘 Introduction

This documentation aims to introduce the basic usage of the SuperMegaBot, a 4-wheeled skid-steered robot, in both simulation and real robot scenarios. Furthermore, it provides instructions on how to run different tasks using the robot and includes step-by-step tutorials.

📥 Install the SMB Software locally

To get started, please refer to the installation guide.

📚 Documentation Structure

The documentation is mainly divided into two parts: Simulation and Physical Robot. The simulation part is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the robot and allow for testing, even without access to the physical robot. The physical robot part is for setting up the physical robot and running different tasks using the robot.

🖥️ SMB Simulation

For simulating the SuperMegaBot, we utilize the Gazebo environment. It includes a simulation of the 4-wheeled robot, complete with its sensors (16-beam Lidar, RGB camera, tracking camera, IMU). The simulation environment is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the robot and allow for testing, even without access to the physical robot.

Once you have successfully installed the SMB software, you can start the simulation by following the steps in Simulation Tasks.

🤖 SMB Physical Robot

To set up the physical robot, please refer to the setting up the physical robot guide. Once the setup is complete, you can explore how SMB can be operated by referring to the robot operation section.

For more information about the robot hardware, you can visit the robot hardware page.

🐞 Issue Tracking

Please use the issues page to report any issues concerning the robots (hardware and software related issues).

📜 History

The SuperMegaBot was originally developed by the ETH Construction Robotics group. It is now maintained by the ETHZ RobotX Center.

📅 RSS 2019 Edition

See the link.