Setting up the SMB Software for Autonomous Navigation

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Please follow the steps described in the installation documentation of the SMB core software before, in order to have the required dependencies for the SLAM and navigation related software.

If you want to use the system on a real SMB robot with real sensors and actuators, the hardware related part should be installed on top of the core part. This document contains the instructions about SMB core software, which also contains the simulation environment.

Setting up Path Planning

Once you’ve installed the SMB core software, you can directly follow the documentation in the repository of the SMB Path Planner.

All the relevant repositories should already have been cloned into your catkin workspace when installing the core software.

Run the following command in the catkin workspace to build all the packages related to the path planner:

catkin build smb_path_planner

Setting up Mapping and Localization (SLAM)

Follow the instructions given in the readme of the smb_slam package to set up the SLAM software.

State Estimation

As an alternative to the visual-inertial odometry based state estimation provided by RealSense tracking camera, you can install a graph based multi sensor fusion framework.

Follow the instructions given in the reamde of the smb_msf_graph package to install the framework on your system.