Frequently Asked Questions

This page should cover the most frequent question that arise when using the SMB simulation and working on the real robot.

For the recent and past queries please refer to the Github Issues of this repository.

How can I transfer a file to an USB3 drive?

from How to access a usb flash drive from the terminal? - askubuntu

Figure out the name of the usb stick

Most likely the device name of the usb stick is called sda1, but it could be different. To find the name of the usb drive, execute:


Create a mounting point

Create the folder where the usb will be mounted (essentially a folder linked to the usb). Create the following folder if it does not already exist.

sudo  mkdir /media/usb

Mount the usb

sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/usb


Remember to unmount the usb stick before disconnecting it, otherwise you may corrupt it!

sudo umount /media/usb

How to prepare a processed pointcloud for localization and 2D grid map creation?

modified from Interactive Segmentation Tool - CloudCompareWiki

Download the CloudCompare software

You can find the suitable version here for your OS.

Segment pointcloud with tool

  1. Load the built pointcloud (.pcd format) in CloudCompare via the File -> Open menu or dragging the pointcloud.

  2. Select a suitable viewpoint and launch the tool via the CCSegmentIcon icon in the main upper toolbar or the Edit > Segment menu.


  3. Use left click to add a contour to contain a region of interest (polygon or rectangle) and right click to close the region.


  4. Once the polygon/rectangle edition is finished, choose whether to keep points inside (SmallSegmentIn) or outside (SmallSegmentOut) the polygon, and the other points will disappear (as well as the polygon) after clicking the check sign.


  5. Segment until the clean pointcloud is achieved and select the segmented one to save as .pcd format (Point Cloud Library cloud).

    You could achieve better colorized visualization by using the Edit > Colors > Height Ramp menu.

    Colorized visualization of segmented pointcloud

    seg_pcd_step5_2 Export segmented pointcloud as .pcd format (Point Cloud Library cloud)